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Technology Artifacts

Technology has definitely been such a helpful class where all of us as students have been able to use the technology presented in an active way. We were able to produce artifacts from the technology mediums that we learned how to use. Below are the artifacts that I was able to create throughout this course, and even some artifacts from other courses.

Artifact #1

Nearpod was one of the three different technologies, that are interactive presentation makers, that we explored. I personally reported out on this one and created a Nearpod presentation on the important information about Nearpod. I found it so fun to play with all of the different things that you can create on Nearpod to really engage your students in lessons. Found the 3D image was really interesting, and I loved all of the different polls and questions you can ask the students. I also like that you can attach all of the websites you site on the students' computers (the teacher has the ability to control all of what the student sees during the lesson). Overall, I will definitely use Nearpod in my classroom to really engage students more and be able to response with what I am saying. 

Also, please enjoy going through my Nearpod lesson!

Artifact #2

For a lesson created by one of my peers, the class learned about how to use Google Sites in their fifth grade classroom. I found this very interesting, because the program seems more user-friendly for kids than some of the other website builders. Plus, it also connects to your google accounts and your google drive this way. So, I had fun creating a site all about me, as the peer presenting their lesson asked for. I liked how the template were easy to use and seemed very fun for the students. I personally would love to have e-portfolios on google site because the students would figure out how to use it fast, and would be share anything they create onto the google site.

The button below takes you to my website created on Google Slides. God ahead and take a look.

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Artifact #3

For a different lesson created by another one of my peers, we learned how to use Wixie and Padlet. Wixie is a site that your student scan post and publish their work, whether its art, writing, graphing, etc. We used this to create a grid for a blueprint/map of a city or room plan. I created a fairytale land on mine, with castles and beanstalks, that had most of the roads leading to the castle in the center. 

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Then, we posted our plans to Padlet. Padlet is an online "bulletin board" if you will. Students can post their work all in the same place as their fellow students, also with the illusion of them being sticky notes. Then, the students are able to loom at each others work.

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In the end, I learned how to use Wixie for basically any kind of project. I would love to use it for students to create their own treasure maps that they will put into place for their students to use their social studies and math skills to find the treasure. In any case, Wixie and Padlet are both resources teachers can definitely use in the classroom.

Other Artifacts

The video down below was a project that I did right in the beginning of my first year in college. In the course ED 222: Global Perspectives, I had to create an autobiography video. I had to explain where I was from and what my plans are now that I was in college. It is very interesting to me to see how far I have come from my freshman to now as a senior.

For this video, I used iMovie on my MacBook computer to create it. I used many different pictures and videos from my life and then also did a voiceover for the video. I would love to do iMovie videos in the classroom because I always had fun making them for my own assignments, and it would be a cool way to integrate technology in a productive way.


  • Nearpod. (n.d.). Nearpod: Transforming Teaching. Together. Retrieved April 18, 2019, from

  • Padlet. (n.d.). Padlet. Retrieved April 19, 2019, from

  • Tech4Learning. (n.d.). Wixie. Retrieved April 19, 2019, from

  • Wix. (n.d.). Free Website Builder | Create a Free Website. Retrieved April 18, 2019, from

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