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Welcome to the Technology E-Portfolio!

This portfolio discusses the many ways teachers can use technology in the classrooms. There are also different sources and programs that teachers can use shown throughout the portfolio. This site portrays what I have learned throughout the class, which was all about the different mediums of technology I can integrate into the curriculum. I learned about all of the different iPads Apps, online sites like Seesaw, SmartBoards, Document Cameras, and even robots!

The sections of the portfolio are Artifacts, Lesson Plan, and Blog. The Artifacts section has three of the different assignments (and any other artifacts from other courses) that I have created in the class out of different mediums of technology that we used. The Lesson Plan section has the full lesson plan based around the Technology Needs Assessment, which was an interview with out classroom mentor teacher about what type of technology they felt like they needed in their classroom or something they wanted to learn more about. The last section is the blog, which has all of the reflections and insights that I have made throughout the course, which citations from the readings and engaging visuals for the audience's reading pleasure.

I hope you enjoy reading my site and trying out the different technological aspects that I connected into this E-Portfolio! 

© 2019 by Ashley Kienitz. Proudly created with

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