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Student Teaching 2019

My Dossier

“The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles but to irrigate deserts.”
~C.S. Lewis~

Educational Goals

3 Instructional Goals:

By the end of my student teaching semester, 

  1. I will learn more about each and every student in order to understand what they need for differentiation and support in their education.

  2. I will create engaging lessons with fun and interesting activities to reach each students’ learning style so that all students can be connecting with the content.

  3. I will explain the why (why are we needing to be quiet?) and the how (how can we do this quickly and quietly?) of being quiet to produce effective and efficient transitions.



3 Dispositional Goals:

By the end of my student teaching semester, 

  1. I will actively encourage and perform communication with my cooperating teacher, students, families, college supervisor, and school staff in order to be prompt and efficient with lesson plans, information, meeting dates, observation dates, etc. 

  2. I will be able to collaborate effectively with my colleagues when coming up with any lessons plans, projects, grading, work, copies, and ideas.

  3. I will continuously build relationships with students and let them know we are family in order to create a caring and diligent classroom. 



3 Cultural and Community:

By the end of my student teaching semester, 

  1. I will join and assist the Mesa Verde School community in events when these are held (I will be participating in the spelling bee, concerts, assemblies, meetings, PD Days, and more).

  2. I will integrate learning (including in lessons, having resources, and knowing content) about different cultures into the curriculum and have the students get to know and value each other for their backgrounds. 

  3. I will learn more about Farmington School District by going to district level events and meetings, and the community that is set between all of the schools in this area in order to see where this district is heading based on their educational goals.

Who Am I As a Teacher? 

"I am a teacher. That’s what I am.”

Education has always been valued on my eyes. Growing up, I was a student that always put in the effort at school and always loved to learn. I grew up watching both of my parents live out their roles as teachers, and I decided that I wanted to also teach. Some people may think that I joined this field because that is all that I knew. However, this is not true. Education has always spoken to me, and I have always wanted to make a difference in the world around me. With teaching, I can make an impact in my students’ lives to mold and shape the next generation of leaders. 


When I was a teen, I had watched a movie called “That’s What I Am”. The movie is about a twelve-year-old boy growing up in the sixties who is trying to seek his educational identity while also dealing with the bulling and punishment of his classmates. The teacher in this movie, Mr. Simon, becomes this student’s favorite teacher. He molds this student to start pursuing his love for writing and to make a change in the world around him. One of the quotes of Mr. Simon that has always stuck with me is this: “I am a teacher. That’s what I am.” This teacher also helps this student realize his potential as a writer, by saying that “if you enjoy something and you are good at it, you must define yourself as what you want to be.”


Starting out as a student teacher this semester, I have found myself through it all saying the very same saying and repeating it to myself: “I am a teacher. That’s what I am.” This saying as grounded me, and helped me realize that I am now more than just a college student studying elementary education, and instead a teacher. I have also realized that I am more than just a teacher that grades papers, teaches content, and stands up at the front to ask questions. I am a teacher that can create a classroom filled with kindness, zeal, honestly, hospitality, dedication, and heart. I want to be that. Teachers are so valuable not because they can get your students to proficiency (which is great, and what we also strive for), but also because they can mold the students into people of character. Education for me was never seen as just a way to learn about math, science, english, and social students. Instead, it was seen as a way of building students into who they will be in the world. 


So, who am I as a teacher? I am a teacher that cracks jokes during class to keep the students engaged. I am a teacher that stays until 6:30pm, sometimes 7pm, just to plan and create a great lesson for the students that I care so much for. I am a teacher that encourages the students each and every step of their learning, always propelling them to say “I can”. I am a teacher that collaborates with my teacher team and enjoys the time spent with colleagues that I look up to. I am a teacher that sits with the student that is confused and supports them through working out the problems together. I am a teacher that cries at home for the students that are struggling and for the students with tough home lives. I am a teacher that studies the content before a lesson, so that I am ready to take on what questions the students have to say. I am a teacher that encourages the students to act like family, to always treat each other with the care that families do. I am a teacher that comes to school with a pep in my step, because I am ready to start the day doing something I absolutely love. So, I am a teacher and that is what I am.

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