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  • Writer's pictureMs. Ashley Kienitz

Utilizing Technology in the Classroom

Updated: Apr 18, 2019

Going into this technology course, I was not well-versed in very many mediums of technology. I only knew the applications that I could use on my own MacBook computer, and that was about it. So when I came in the first day for the class, my goal was to learn become aware of and learn how to use different technological platforms and mediums that I can incorporate in the classroom. This goal was definitely achieved. I have learned so much about multiple kinds of technology and how to use them this semester. I have learned how to use SMART Boards, VoiceThread, Seesaw, Google Classroom, iPads, blogs like Wix and Weebly, and more. I have learned the importance of integrating technology in the classroom, and how technology has been a large impact on education. So, what exactly did I find out about technology?

As I listed above, there are many different technologies we learned about that we can use in our future classrooms. The ones that I found the most interesting were the creation of websites through Wix and Weekly, Nearpod, the SmartBoard, and the many different Google Connected apps.

  • I learned how to use Wix to create e-portfolios, that I could also have the students do to display their own work. I think this would be very cool for students to learn how to do, especially because many colleges and jobs are starting to ask for e-portfolios. It would be great for my students to be able to gain the skills of how to create and develop a website.

  • I also learned how to use Nearpod, which is a presentation program that allows the teacher to display their lessons and have the students interact with it. I personally would love to use this for the poll questions and for the 3D displays on it. I also would love for the students to use this for their own presentations that they do in class, because it is more engaging for their audience to use this than normal keynote or powerpoint.

  • SmartBoard was really fun to learn and play with because you can draw on it, move text, make shapes, play audio, and more. This definitely allows the students to have a very interactive lesson format. I personally would love to use this for students to come up and write answers, of I could highlight important information. I also could draw things, uncover flaps, and more. Honestly, SmartBoard is a tool that can do most to anything.

  • For my lesson that I presented in this course (found on the lesson plans tab under the ED 479 Portfolio category), I used MindMeister. This app connects through Google Drive, so all of the students with gmail accounts can use it. When I played with the different apps you can connect to your google drive, I found that their are so many applications that you can use in your classroom.

I found it very important that we also learned how to used document cameras and how to use different iPad apps. I have always wanted to learn how to use the Ladibug doc cameras, and I found it very helpful to be able to do activities using one. Also, I have used iPads but it was nice going over the different educational apps you can use. I also found it useful to was very important to learn about drones, and this is definitely something that I am very interested in. I even would love to have one in my own classroom if I was able to buy one or get a grant for one.

What I found surprising throughout this course is that there are actually many online resources and platforms, some that are completely free, that I had no idea about. I have never heard of Seesaw, Nearpod, or VoiceThread. I hadn't ever heard of Powtoon either. Through this course, I was able to learn about these resources and then learn how to use them. It was really cool to be able to just see how vast the resources we teachers have available to use in the classroom. It made me excited to come to class everyday to learn about more things I can utilize in my future classroom.

All of these different mediums of technology supported me to be able to use and integrate technology in my own future classroom. Being able to learn these technologies is important because the world has been moving towards using more and more technology in the classroom. With this integration in mind, teachers also need to be educated in how to use these mediums of technology. Also, teachers need to learn how to also apply this in their classrooms in a way that allows the students to express their imagination.

My plan for my future classroom is to be able to use technology in an active way. I was able to experience technology in a hands-one way throughout this class. Something I remember learning very early on in the classroom was about using technology actively. This means that as teachers, we need to be able to have students create and produce work with technology. Instead of them just watching videos or reading online articles, we as teachers need to fully integrate technology in an active way. In my own classroom, I want to be able to allow the students to show their own learning through what they create. I want to be able to let them be artistic and creative. Doing this will engrain the skills that they need for the future. Having them produce work on technology prepares them for real life: for jobs, college, school presentations, and more. This also engages students, because what they learning matters. This in turn creates lifelong learners, which is my ultimate goal for the students. So, I will definitely create technological projects in the classroom that will challenge the students so that they will apply themselves in their learning.


  • Edutopia. (2012, December 12). An Introduction to Technology Integration. Retrieved April 18, 2019, from

  • Google. (n.d.). Google Classroom. Retrieved April 18, 2019, from

  • MeisterLabs. (n.d.). MindMeister: Online Mind Mapping and Brainstorming. Retrieved April 18, 2019, from

  • Nearpod. (n.d.). Nearpod: Transforming Teaching. Together. Retrieved April 18, 2019, from

  • Seesaw. (n.d.). Seesaw. Retrieved April 18, 2019, from

  • VoiceThread. (n.d.). Amazing conversations about media. Retrieved April 18, 2019, from

  • Wix. (n.d.). Free Website Builder | Create a Free Website. Retrieved April 18, 2019, from

  • Weebly. (n.d.). Weebly is the easiest way to create a website, store or blog. Retrieved April 18, 2019, from

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